Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here's the Deal

Okay, here's the deal...(for those of you who have found it necessary to tease my blog) =)
Ashlee had Fall Break a few weeks back, so I thought that was a perfect time for her to make me a blog (since I would never get started on my own!) Well, she got it up & running, and then I figured I could get going on it when I got around to it. Little did I know the whole world would find it, because Ashlee had a LINK to it from hers!!! I guess I didn't specify to her that it was to be kept top secret until I had it ready! So, tease me all you want--I guess I deserve it! ;-)


Alicia said...

Hey Jen! I love your new background, intro, and the picture of you and Rob! And just know we only tease you about your blog because we love you and want to know how you're doing! :)

Shari Tate said...

In the time it took you to give us the LAME could have updated your blog!!


Diane Arnett Gardiner said...