Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Love Deeply

I have a good friend, Laura, who taught me something recently. She expressed some things that are exactly how I've felt for a long time. She said that she's at a point in her life where she doesn't feel that she has a lot of time for socializing with friends (I can totally relate!!!) She was asked to teach an Enrichment class recently on the topic of "Live Simply~Laugh Often~Love Deeply." As she prepared to teach this she said that the phrase LOVE DEEPLY came to have great meaning for her. She came to understand that, although she doesn't have a lot of time to give to very many people (yes, this is me--TOTALLY!), she can love deeply the person she is with at the moment.

I had a whole new energy come into me as she said this! For years I've felt so overwhelmed and saddened by the fact that I just have so many people I love, love, love, yet don't seem to "have time for." I'm not okay with this, and I never will be. But to think that, if I do get the rare opportunity to spend a few moments with a cherished friend, I can make that time the best it can possibly be by making sure I love deeply, gave me a renewed perspective.

One of the qualities I love about Laura is that she gets right to the point. (She calls it being nosy, but I would argue.) I see in her a true love and concern for others. She has simply chosen not to waste her time on "small talk," but to get to the heart of the matter. Her time is limited--as is all of ours, as busy moms--so she asks questions quickly and then responds accordingly.

I know I don't possess the same qualities Laura does, and I may never have it in me to be direct in my conversations; but in my own way--whatever that may be--I hope I can implement some ways to let others know what their friendship means in my life. Whether I just run into a friend in the store, or we're getting together with our kids at the park, I hope that I can learn how to LOVE DEEPLY in all my relationships!!!

It's so great to be taught valuable lessons by wonderful friends!

1 comment:

Trainer Momma said...

thanks for this, Jen. It is beautiful and very true.