Hey, just thought I'd ask around... I have SO HAD IT with our Tooth Fairy!!! Two nights ago my poor Em was brave enough to pull out her tooth that had been sticking out crooked for days... weeks, maybe... wrote her name/date/info on a note as instructed... the whole bit... and our LAME tooth fairy has not shown!!! This is just absolutely unacceptable. And this is NOT the first time she's pulled this on us! It's really getting out of hand. Seriously, if she was going on vacation or something, there are forms to fill out for that. For cryin' out loud, she's got to let someone know these things!!! Soooo... to all you moms out there who might be able to give us a good referral--we're ready to tell our Tooth Fairy to PACK HER BAGS!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated. We're feeling very desperate here. (The guilt is almost unbearable!) Please respond A.S.A.P.!!!
13 years ago
jenni.. hilarious but such a disappointment for poor emmalee! i heard that if the tooth fairy forgets to come she can slip in the house when no one is home or if everyone is at school...and still make up for not coming. I think she has to pay double if thats the case though!
the tooth fairy has left the tooth but given money at our house on a few akward occasions too :)
- Debra Palomo
I can tell your Tooth Fairy hasn't been around in a while--Emmee had to introduce herself! ;) I don't know of any good tooth fairies, but let me know what you find out. I'll be needing to hire one in a few years!
Our tooth fairy is pretty lame too. It's been a week. Yikes!!
I have connections...I bet I can can call her later tonight and remind her...
Ours has had her moments as well. Give her some credit though, she's BUSY and TIRED! Maybe she has a "significant other" that cold cover for her?
That's too funny Jenni. Growing up, I remember so many times waking up to find no $. I would tell my mom that the tooth fairy didn't come. A few minutes later she would tell me that maybe I hadn't looked good enough, and to go look again. Lo and behold, there was the $. Hmmmmm...a little suspicious! :)
What a fun post! I love that so many can actually relate! She must be a pretty busy lady to have missed Emmee for so long! :D Maybe the toothfairy is broke! Love the sweet letter! You better keep that one!
LOL!!! That darn tooth fairy is horrible at our house too!!! She is so stinking forgetful and my kids are always sure to be disappointed.
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