Tuesday, October 20, 2009


My Kaybree girl cracks me up!!! Her most recent new word is RANDOM. Quite often, her statements will start off with, "Okay, this is really random, but..." so then I'm laughing before she even tells me what it is she wants to say! She's WAY too young for a lot of the phrases--and facial expressions--she comes up with... but I've learned that's a part of having teenage siblings. She's definitely 7 going on 15!

1 comment:

Tom and Sue said...

Oh that girl! She'll make a great little mom someday...I'm so glad it'll be to my grandkids. ;D I love the things they pick up from older siblings! I'm sure she's just the little mature one having a sister that's so grown up! Wish I could witness it for myself! What a sweetie! BTW, I still get Spencer & Blake mixed up! How'd Spencer take the news that he wasn't a twin?