Thursday, March 12, 2009

Peter and the Wolf

In February, Emmee & I went on her 3rd Grade Field Trip to Peter and the Wolf. It was a fun event, and I was in charge of six little sweeties. (Some other moms weren't so lucky!) The bus rides consisted of lots of those hand-clapping rhyme-thingy's that you do with your BFF (classic 3rd grade!), and of course TONS of giggles! On the way back to the school one of the girls commented that it would have been better if it was a movie. I took the opportunity to explain that Peter and the Wolf was designed to allow the audience to use imagination to picture the events of the story. I then attempted to have a teaching moment and ask each girl about her interpretation of the story. I asked Emmee what color hair her Peter had. She said it was brown with a white tail. After a brief moment of picturing a rebellious little kid with a bleached, braided ponytail, running through the woods with a gun, and wondering what in the world would cause Emmee to imagine Peter that way, we finally figured out that she thought the whole time that this story was about Peter Cottontail--yes, the bunny!!! =) I almost fell off the bus seat laughing!
Well, so much for teaching moments and encouraging kids to use their imaginations! Maybe imagination doesn't exist in our world anymore... BUT... we still had fun!!!

1 comment:

Shari Tate said...

She cracks me up!!!