Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Simple Joys

Years ago I heard a speaker in General Conference counsel parents to give our children "things that money cannot buy." I've had this as one of my (many) mottos for years now, and I hope and pray constantly that after all is said and done, despite this overindulgent world we live in, my children will realize that it's the little things in life--the things that don't cost a lot of money--that are really the most valuable.
Today's "simple joy" for me was a bike ride with my Chaser-Boy. He's my buddy, my right-hand-man, now that everyone else is in school all day. My wonderful hubby fixed my bike tire last night so we could ride the bike with the baby seat on it. So, after we got everyone else off for the day, Chase & I set out for some fun. The first words out of his mouth as we started down the street were, "Yih! That's what I'm talkin' about!!!"
As we rode along we talked about why a sidewalk is called a sidewalk, we thought of words that rhyme, he played "drums" on my back for awhile, we had fun watching lizards run frantically out of bushes as we passed them, and after waving to a stranger we passed he informed me that, "All those persons in cars is a Child of God." He told me he would like to "do some jumps," so I found some bumpy areas of a dirt road to go on =), and we also decided some sprinklers looked good for riding through. Unfortunately, we didn't have much success trying to ride up the grass hill they were on. We suddenly came to a dead stop, and fell over!!! Thank goodness we were on a slope, so it wasn't as far a fall. Chase thought it was hilarious!!! He'll probably ask if we can do that again next time!
These are the moments life is all about... Finding joy in the simple things!

1 comment:

Shari Tate said...


I can hear Chase saying ALL of those 'chase lines'LOL He is a crack up! I little of the rest of your kids in one little boy!!

You've always been my hero mom!