Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Being the Youngest

Ashlee had a fun opportunity a few weeks ago to hold a 4 month old baby girl during Sacrament Meeting. (One of her YW leaders was speaking in church, and her husband would be busy with the 2 year old, so she asked Ashlee to keep the baby.) Ashlee was loving it!
Ashlee was next to the aisle, and Chase was more toward the middle, with Rob, me, and other kids in-between, so it was a little while into the meeting before he noticed the baby. He started to make his way along in front of all of us, and I thought he was coming to sit with me. I put my arms out to him, but he didn't even glance my way. I realized his eyes were fixed on only one thing: THE BABY. He could hardly make his way over everyone's feet, church bags, etc. that were in his way, because he wasn't going to look down for a second. His attention was 100% on THE BABY.
He was finally a couple feet from her and he just stopped and stared at Ashlee with this baby. After a few seconds he turned to me and said, "Where did she get THAT?"
It was so cute! I didn't know whether he was hoping he could find one too, or whether he was trying to figure out how Ashlee had one of these things that only Moms usually had. Even though he's our baby, I've always figured he was around other babies enough (cousins, etc.) that it's not too strange a concept to him. But watching him with this baby made me realize that he really doesn't get a lot of interaction with babies, especially not like kids do with a sibling.
After he took it all in for a minute, and we explained the situation to him, he plopped himself down next to her and played with her. He was fascinated as she gripped his finger, he giggled at her little sudden movements, he loved having her stare at him... He was in love!!!

1 comment:

Tom and Sue said...

I love the question, "Where did she get THAT?!" Funny thing is, she really could have one of "those" in a matter of a few years! YIKES, GRANDMA!!!!!