Friday, January 8, 2010

Goofy Girls!

Last night Kaybree (7) & Ashlee (16) were sitting on the couch together, doing homework. Ashlee started talking to herself as she worked her math problem, and Kaybree turned to her and said, "Do you know how hard it's getting to tell people that we're related?!?" Then they both almost fell off the couch laughing.

Just thought I'd share--I know, no pictures... boring. lame.

Sorry! =/


Kathryn Crouse said...

That is darling!! Those are the best moments! Miss you!!

Alicia said...

I love Kaybree! I'd be pretty proud of myself for thinking of a line as funny as that now, and I'm 26! I can't imagine thinking that up at 7 years old!

Melody said...

Oh my goodness, Kaybree's what, 7??She obviously has the Ferrin wit, that's for sure! I would love to be a fly on the wall in your house!

Rob and Jen said...

Well, as sad as it is to admit, two days ago while the kids were watching "The Cat in the Hat," I realized that statement was a line in the movie!!! It's hard to have to say that's where my child's vocabulary is coming from. I guess she still gets some credit for finding an appropriate way to use the line--even if it's not her original idea! =)