As we were hiking today, I realized some parallels between a good hike and a good life (Sorry, haven't added the pictures to go with it yet!):
*Sometimes looking back is worthwhile, but most of the time looking forward is more productive.
*Sometimes you'll encounter others who are simply out to finish first. Let them go by.
*Stopping to smell the flowers might cost you some time, but you'll be glad you didn't miss the experience!
*Sometimes you're the leader. Sometimes you're the follower. Both positions have great value.
*Holding someone's hand as you go makes the whole experience much better.
*Sometimes what you think is a shortcut really ends up costing you!
*But... sometimes a shortcut leads you to things you never would have seen otherwise.
*Be prepared for the journey.
*The best things in life can't be $$$purchased$$$.
*Just when the path starts to smooth out, you come around a corner and find a boulder.
*But... after you make it past the boulder, the path will often be smooth again.
*Sometimes what you learn by climbing the rocks teaches you more than you would have learned by going around.
*Challenge yourself. Push yourself. But also allow yourself to rest occasionally along the way.
And last, but not least:
*If you can't find a potty when you need one, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!!
13 years ago
LOVE LOVE LOVE the whole thing, but escpecially the part about the potty!
I LOVE this! What a great post! Thanks for sharing your poetic awareness with me =)
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