Thursday, February 4, 2010

Do You Ever...?

Emmee - Age 4 (2004) - holding flowers she picked for me =)
Just pondering today and wondering if there are other moms out there who look at their kids and think like I do, "How did I ever get lucky enough to be your mother?" (So as to not get TOO serious, I think we've also all had those moments of, "Why the heck do I have to be your mother???" Grrrrrrr.) Okay, not really though!

So... back to the serious side. There are times I find myself wondering how this all happened--how someone like me, with so many weaknesses and shortcomings, could have children who set amazing examples for me daily. I honestly feel so undeserving of them at times, I feel like it's an unspeakable honor and privilege just to get to spend time with them--not to mention be their mother!

I think all of us must feel this way, as we have the cherished opportunity--and responsibility--to teach and guide these incredible spirits who have been saved for this time in history. The world has never before known times like these. Our precious children will be the ones to prepare the world for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I sense this, often, as I watch them go out into the world and stand strong for what is right. They say and do things that I KNOW I didn't have the strength to do at their ages. They love the Lord, they love truth, and they aren't afraid to make it known.

I've had the distinct impression, at times, that they are, in fact, my superiors. It's easy, as parents, to get the idea that because we're older we know more. While we may have arrived before our children on this earth, and we therefore have more worldly learning, they stayed back and furthered their premortal preparations. So I ask myself: Which experiences count for more? Theirs or mine? I think they win.

With that knowledge I realize the duties before me in applying my knowledge of this world that they've entered, to their knowledge of things I've probably long forgotten. And humbly remembering my place in all of this.



Wendy Phelps said...

I feel this way all the time. It is overwhelming isn't it?! Our responsibilities as parents... I am so imperfect. How can I teach them and prepare them for all that is ahead??? I just feel like as long as I work hand in hand with my Saviour, he will fill in all the gaps that I am missing.

Miss Niss said...

great post...and i'm LOVING that picture of Emmalee!! so cute, i'll have to show my girls:)

Shari Tate said...

OH MY!! I always new Taylor and Emmee looked alike...but geesh! She looks so much like Taylor here!!

And you have the most awesome kids because you are an awesome mother.. no surprise to me at all ;o)