Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mr. Tough Guy

This is how Blake went to school today. It was Crazy Hair Day, and he decided to go ALL OUT. (For this picture he also had the face to match--man, if I didn't know him I'd be terrified! He looks like the kind of kid I tell mine to stay far away from!)

Rob buzzed the sides of Blake's head last night, leaving the mohawk for him. I don't know how many times I looked at Blake and thanked him for not really choosing to look like this on a regular basis!

As we drove to the bus stop this morning Blake was slowly sinking lower and lower in the seat, hiding himself behind the dash. As the bus came closer and I told him to have a good day, he looked at me and said, "Do I have to get out yet?" He was definitely questioning himself at that point. He reluctantly walked over and got on. The bus driver had a pretty good smile on her face as they drove away. I was also smiling with relief at the fact that this look is not a comfortable one for him.

After school he'll get the mohawk buzzed, and of course, wash out his red, green & blue. And out of this we're getting him a much-needed haircut. (Yay!) I'll have my normal kid back by tomorrow--Hallelujah!!!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I love it! He's such a cutie! (Yeah, I know he's 14, but I'm his aunt, so I can still call him that.)